What is your definition of web3? Why should we care about it?
I would have to explain from Web 1 up to Web 3.
Web 1 is the most primitive stage of the internet. This was the age of static websites with little to no interaction from users. With Web 2, users are able to create contents to be viewed by millions of people. It brought about the internet as we know it today as well as interactive applications like Instagram, Meta, Twitter, Netflix etc.
With Web 3, this is the next evolution of the internet. It goes beyond the social connectivity and user-generated content of Web 2. Key features include its decentralization where content/information is stored in millions of computers unlike in Web 3 where the corporations stored the information. It is trustless and permissionless. It will run on Dapps (Decentralized Applications), a peer-to-peer network which has no need for a third party during transactions.
There is still a lot of ambiguity in the space but in coming years, we should see more applications of Web 3
Please tell us more about your background, how you got interested in Web3 and what you’re currently working on?
To begin with, it is best I mention that I am an undergraduate law student with a technical background in Data Science. My journey into Tech/Data Science started after an internship with the Indian Society of AI and Law. I was very intrigued by the whole AI and Law thing and started my own research about space. That led me to learning how to code using Python and finally settling with Data Science.
I use Twitter a lot, I believe there is a lot to learn and gain if you have a well curated follow list. Anyways, I got to know about Web 3 around the same time it became a popular buzzword in 2020. Half of the people I follow tweeted a lot about Web 3, NFTs and that whole space. I am a curious person, so I went ahead to read up different articles and resources. Been down the rabbit hole ever since :)
What hard and soft skills have been most helpful to help you succeed in Web3?
For soft skills, I would say consistency, passion and dedication.
While hard skills, it does help that I have a technical background (Data Science) and I am also a Content Specialist.
What would you say is the best thing about your job? The most challenging?
The best thing about my job aside from the people I get to work with will be that I always have to learn new things, new technologies, etc.
Tell us the greatest working day of your life. You’re at home in the evening, thinking of what you accomplished. What made you so happy that day?
I can’t remember a particular day for now but, it would definitely be because I had a great day at work, completed all my tasks and got positive feedback from my boss.

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What role should Technical Writers play in web3?
This is an important niche as writers are needed especially for documentation and creating helpful content around Crypto, Defi, NFT, Web 3 etc.
What are the best decisions and the worst decisions you have made in this industry?
Best decision - always shooting my shot and asking questions.
No worst decisions yet.
I could remember a time you did 100-days of code on Twitter, how was the experience? How did it help you?
That experience showed me how much I am capable of once I put my mind to something. Coding everyday for 100 days, it was a lot and it stretched me but I loved every bit of the experience. I connected with loads of people, asked strangers for help, joined awesome communities and even participated in an open source project.
What is your favorite Web3 project? Among the people you’ve worked, or interacted with in Web3, who do you admire most?
Favorite Web3 project - Gallery.
About people, that would be Nader Dabit, Coopathroopa and Mohak Agarwal.
What quote has actually stuck with you and changed your life?
Maybe not a quote but something along these lines - strive to be at least 1% better everyday.
Any tips for beginners who aspire to work in this domain, but feel completely overwhelmed to even start competing?
If you are interested in this space, there is no need to feel overwhelmed. We are all winging it and nobody has it all figured out. This is a relatively new space, so if you are reading this, you are still early. Just put your head down and get to work. Read as much as you can, ask questions, join communities and I wish you the best of luck.